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Opportunity to work together and grow together with @craferiaexport

In Craferia Export we believe grow together, as we make the products we supply our beautiful products to Retail Stores, Vendors and Resellers who wants to colloborate with us and sell our products to make money and grow together.

This way we are contributing to the Economy of India by giving others an opportunity to make money and be independent. This also going to show that for business you don’t have to have your own products your own manufacturing set up.

If you are a Retail Store/Resellers/Vendor if yes and you have space then they can store our products if not they can work with us on order basis. We are very flexible and give opportunity to work with us. You can add up your margin and sell it to your customers.

Lets help the society – for example we have Mudha/Mudda products like Chair, Table, Stool, Rack etc these products are very costly in market if you go outside but our Mudha products are very cheap.

Looking forward to it please contact for tie-ups reach us on 8373915568.